Elusive, mysterious Raymond Beluga, as allegedly last seen on the Professor Gul Nakhchyvan ferry bound for the port of Neka.

August 2004 (Photo: anonymous)

Raymond Ferenc Beluga

(b. Budapest,1934?)
Founder of Raymond Beluga Studio (RBS) in 2003.

Formerly a renowned film producer in his native Hungary, Mr. Beluga has been a man of many hats and has triggered as many sentiments. Loved and hated by men, women, and dogs alike, one of the Tanner brothers once described him as a “shady producer with deposits of fat and tar”.


After many years of leading a quiet film-less life albeit filled with speculations of the worst sort which we won’t waste saliva on, Raymond Beluga reappeared almost like in a film noir, in the lives of filmmakers Michael Mills and Ruben Guzman in December 2003. From Sanzibar, Iran, Mr. Beluga sent these independent filmmakers a telegram containing a proposal whose content we are not in the position to disclose.

Mr. Beluga working at his office.
Unknown location c. 1979. (Photo courtesy of Mr. Helmut Corcoba)
It should suffice to say that MM and RG are the only employees of Mr. Beluga’s company and do have limited decision-making powers. We do, however, deny all versions alleging Mr. Beluga’s money laundering activities through RBS. Furthermore, we strongly condemn those who have defined Mr. Beluga as a “shady arms magnate”. We do acknowledge, however, that Mr. Beluga himself is rarely seen and wouldn’t wish to attract attention. The irregular “board meetings”, if we may call it that way, are held in a dark room in which Mr. Beluga sits behind a heavy curtain, smoking his Cuban cigars (that’s why these meetings cannot take place in our New York office). At any rate, all he ever leaves behind is empty bottles of Unicums, chocolate wrapping, foul-smelling cigar butts and sometimes even used condoms.

Filmmakers Mr. Mills and Mr. Guzman shall continue to pledge devotion to Mr. Beluga until the end of their faustian contract with Raymond Beluga Studio.


Eltûnve Vele a Szélmalom (1966)
(Gone with the Windmill)

1h 33' - 1966

Produced and directed by Raymond Beluga

Jackie Gleason (as Sancho Panza)
Vincent Price (as Don Quixote)
Vera Miles (Dulcinea del Toboso)


Budapest was abuzz with anticipation for the avant premiere of the highly anticipated film "Gone with the Windmill". Directed by the reclusive filmmaker Raymond Beluga, the production had been shrouded in secrecy, fueling intrigue and speculation among cinephiles and critics alike.

As the night of the premiere arrived, the grand Budapest Opera House played host to an elite audience eagerly awaiting the unveiling of this mysterious cinematic masterpiece.

As the lights dimmed and the screen flickered to life, viewers were transported into a world of surreal beauty and haunting imagery. "Gone with the Windmill" unfolded like a fever dream, a mesmerizing blend of avant-garde storytelling, dazzling visuals, and haunting music that defied conventional narrative conventions.

Then, in a shocking twist, tragedy struck. During a particularly intense scene, a malfunction in the projector caused the film to catch fire, engulfing the screen in flames and plunging the theater into chaos. Panic swept through the audience as screams filled the air and patrons scrambled for the exits. In the ensuing chaos, several people were injured, and one unfortunate soul lost their life in the stampede to escape the inferno.

In the aftermath of the disaster, "Gone with the Windmill" was deemed cursed, its screening forever tainted by the specter of tragedy. The film reels were destroyed in the fire, and Mr. Beluga vanished from public view, never to be seen or heard from again.

To this day, the film remains a lost masterpiece, its legacy overshadowed by the events of that fateful night in Budapest."

"Szabad Nép", December 1966
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